Explanation of the aXML Script format

This is an explanation of the current state of the aXML script format, as I (and so the interpreter) see it.

Text in italics is code.

<?xml version="1.0"?> Standard XML file start

Root Tag
<activexml name="HelloWorld" version="1.0" app="texteditor" author="drigz" security="1">
This is the main tag, and everything else must be inside this. It has the following attributes:

Description (optional)
<description>A simple example application which echoes the text: "Hello, World!"</description>
This is optional (but must be before anything else if it does occur), and contains a description of the program.

<action type="echo"> the 'type' is the name of the action
<parameter index="1" type="literal" value="Hello, World!"/>
Each 'parameter' element details one parameter. Indices start from 1. They have the following attributes:


End of Root Tag
</activexml> Nothing should occur after this.

Complete File
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<activexml name="HelloWorld" version="1.0" app="Vim" author="drigz"
        <description>A simple example application which echoes
                the text: "Hello, World!"</description>

        <action type="echo">
                <parameter index="0" type="literal" value="Hello, World!"/>